We are officially a few days into 2025 and many people all across America have committed to lifestyle changes of varying degrees. Almost every common New Year's Resolution has a positive impact on your overall health and life, but none more so than a commitment to leave a world of addiction behind. Unfortunately, like other resolutions, a dedication to sobriety is in danger of being forgotten before the end of January without a strong resolve and commitment to making your resolution last. Here are a few tips to help you begin your new life free from harmful substances and alcohol.
Begin a Journal
Take a few minutes or longer every night to write down your feelings surrounding the day. Document your cravings and reaffirm your commitment by writing every day why you made this commitment and how you believe it will help you now and in the future. After only a few days you may even begin to notice positive changes in the form of saved money, improved mood, and the beginning of repaired relationships. It is important to journal these improvements, hopes, and thoughts to remind yourself why you are traveling this path.
Identify Your Triggers
Make a bulleted list of the times or events that cause you to drink or use substances. Practicing mindfulness can help you identify and avoid your triggers, or replace them with better options. For example, if you normally drink when cooking you can create a special routine to replace the alcohol with something else unique such as the only time you'll have soda, or if you have trouble with fidgeting you can replace substance use with something such as sunflower seeds or gum.
Create New Coping Strategies
Many people believe they avoid stress, anxiety, or other painful life experiences but in reality, they cope with them by abusing drugs or alcohol. These coping mechanisms do not actually help and most people report they feel more anxious the day after drinking than they did before. Focusing on the things that give you stress or anxiety can be uncomfortable, but facing them head-on will provide you with an enriched life free from substance abuse. Some popular mechanisms include mediation, prayer, and exercise.
Get a New Hobby
You'd be surprised at how much time drinking or substance use can take up so it is very important that you avoid boredom by keeping busy. Use your newfound time to do something enriching. Check your local community center for classes or groups that may interest you. Any new hobby is great, but ones that involve group activity are even better as making new friends is a great way to begin a new sober life.
Remember You Are Not Alone
Navigating your new life is challenging, exciting, and at times; daunting. It is important to remember that you are not alone and many people are setting off on this New Year's adventure at the same time. Reach out to people in your life who will support you or make new friends in recovery groups. Treatment options are available if you need them and you can learn more by visiting NHTCinc.org today!